
Now dig on this

久しぶり、amigos. Last time, I was spouting something about never spending money on anything .. I`ve already sort of reneged upon that, by seeing Spiderman 3 on opening day, and buying the new Bjork album "Volta" from a nearby music store .. while waiting for Spiderman to start.

I actually wanted to do a full track-by-track review of Volta, since it doesn`t seem to come out in the states for another couple days, but I`ll try to sum it up in a paragraph .. first of all, even though I`m a pretty avid Bjork fan, in that I have all of her work and if you say something bad about her I might try to kick you, I`m not blindly biased .. I`ll admit that (and I think I can say this around you guys without getting kicked) I never really got the hang of her most critically acclaimed album Vespertine, and as for Medulla, I didn`t spin that one more than a dozen times before I was like, "all right, time to listen to Selmasongs." My favorites are actually her first 3, the more electronic, "poppier" Bjork, and to me that`s what Volta seems like a throwback to (but not entirely .. there`s also a prominent and beautiful brass section), and I cannot. Get. Enough of it. Seriously, I`ve just been playing it non-stop for a week now (almost .. I took a break today by listening to Watch Them Die while I ran) .. I even did the thing where you fall asleep at night with it on repeat, and it`s still playing when you get up in the morning, and I`m not tired of it at all. I look forward to every song on it while not wanting the current track to end. I think the last time an album hit me like this was Blood Mountain, and before that, Begin To Hope. If you know me, you will know that by these comparisons I am not fooling around. Sorry, I guess it`s not a very good review for me to just say that I really really like this album a lot and feel like even non-Bjork fans should buy it. You think she`s crazy or something? Who cares, buy this album, it`s awesome. "To shut yourself up is the hugest crime of them all." That`s from one of the songs!

Uh, so anyway. If you were ever going to see SM3 you would have done so already last weekend. What did you think? I hate to say it but 2 is still my favorite ... they really should have saved the Venom thing for part 4, I think. This one didn`t need it, or maybe it just really didn`t need the Dark Tobey scene that seemed to have been taken from The Mask. I`d also say that Peter needs to dump MJ for Gwen or Ursula, but I`ll gladly take them instead if he wants to stay with Whiney Bitch Watson. Also, there should be a drinking game for the number of times Harry Osborn gets owned in that movie. Hah! That`s what you get for being James Franco!

I have nothing of actual substance to say right now.

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

I just stabbed the shit out of him, until he didn't move anymore.

Too occupied to go see Espeeder Man Tres yet, damn.

Spain? Spain??