In accordance with my tradition of starting a new blog every 5 minutes, I bring you the latest in what-is-Dan-up-to technology.
Por desgracia I am tired at the moment and want to watch The Departed and go to sleep for the night instead.
Later I`ll bring you up to speed on how I got electrocuted while bowling, outswam almost everyone, ate the Super Big Burger with a group of handicapped artists, and interviewed a guy named Cunning Takeyama at the same ballgame where I had to swing for (and miss) the first pitch.
Please read and keep me in check. 宜しくお願いいたします。
4 件のコメント:
I was just about to email you about your status. I hope you enjoy The Departed like I have, but many people don't like the ending, and I want to punch them in the face when I hear that.
- yak
I don't usually check my gmail, but I did today because I didn't want to give this company my other address....what are the odds...
Hey boy, we are having a serious Dan defficiency around here. Come to England, please!!! We'll be there May 18 - June 4 playing shows almost every night. Come!!!
Banzai, comments!
Yakasaki-san: Sorry, I ended up watching Jarhead instead. I didn`t like it very much.
Rebecca: Please forgive me if I curse or talk about doing bad things ..
Vess: Damn, you ruined the surprise by actually inviting me!