Let`s bite and taste it
ME: So, I keep thinking about Jenn from San Francisco.
WARAO (half asleep, seat reclined): ... and?
M: It`s not good.
W: Why not?
M: Because it`s pointless. I`m always thinking about women who live on the other side of the planet, and it`s just painful.
W: Then I have a solution.
M: What`s that?
W: You want to hear it?
M: Yes!
W: ... don`t think about her.
One of many insightful conversations shared with Warao on the road last week. We rented a car, drove up north to the Sea of Japan (which of course I took a dip in), ate some sushi, visited Warao`s grandmother (who had never met an American before, and didn`t know what to give me to eat), burned incense at some old Japanese graves, ate some sushi, drove through the mountains, stopped at a few hot spas, and even ate a little bit of sushi.
It was a relaxing few days, which unfortunately don`t mean so much when you don`t do a whole lot to begin with. Don`t get me wrong, I keep busy 3-4 days a week .. for example, just last weekend it was my job to wear a baseball uniform and play Wii Sports Baseball with customers` children at an electronics store. Having only played the boxing game prior, this was my first time with the baseball one, and I was only able to hit 5 homeruns out of 10 pitches during my turn ... this one kid with a dead serious look on his face walks up and without a word hits 8 in a row, beating my score and winning a free pillow or something .. I was like, Way to go, Kid. Way to go.
Just before that, I had an audition for some print job, where I had to pose as an olympic swimmer. A couple years ago I think I could have gotten this one easily, but lately a combination of laziness and .. laziness have kept me from exercising regularly and left me feeling like the Pillsbury f#$%ing Douhghboy, so I`m still waiting on that one without very much hope. At least I know I beat the (inexplicably present) big fat hairy guy, whom upon removing his shirt, was promptly asked to leave. 厳しい。。
Ah, but speaking of print jobs, these jawns finally came out, though I have yet to take a decent picture of either one. I know it is not a very good au batido but they wanted me to do it "vertically" .. plus that is the best I can do one. Anyway, I was pretty happy to see that, and then to top it off, the company gave me all the clothes I wore during the shooting, because apparently they can`t use them for anyone else (go figure) .. so add 2 suits, 4 pairs of pants, 4 pairs of shoes, and a pile of shirts to my wardrobe, which until now mostly consisted of band t-shirts and jeans. Though considering how often I need to wear a suit these days, maybe I should try to sell the stuff .. anyone need a suit jacket with really pointy shoulders??
What else has me excited lately .. oh yeah, Spiderman f#$%ing 3 comes out tomorrow, and I`ve already got my ticket, suckers. I`ll let you know how cool Venom is before you go see it, just so you know (that I know). How does it feel to live in the past? what is it, Monday morning over there?? Mwahahah ... all right, I`ve had my moment.
Oh yeah, and it looks like I`m doing a 10-day Eurotrip at the end of May ... Barcelona to visit Frank or Maletas or whatever the crap he wants to be called, and the UK to roadie for my dear friends the FE crew for a few nights. How can I afford such kind of thing, you ask? Simple .. never buy anything. I forget who it was but I`ve met someone else who did this, that is, only used their money for traveling .. high five to whoever the crap that was.
I leave you for now with the words of some huge guy who got his picture taken with Mr. White today ... "Maintain your condition, and become world champion." I`ll try.
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1 件のコメント:
Nothing says "pronto mixology" like an upside-down white guy...